Friday, May 11, 2012

It's a Dogs Life.... a good life!

I have always wanted to walk Jack at the beach. The first time My Man and I took him down on a lead, and it wasn't great. He or the dogs around were less than courteous to one another and we went home.

Later, I was told that it's much better to not have them on a lead. So my mom popped down with me to to the beach, and he just shot off with me running (read: lumbering) after him and yelling rather loudly.  It put me off taking him again.

This week my sister, who recently adopted a new hound, convinced me to try again. We met at the beach and let the dogs loose.

It was a fantastic experience and honestly, I cannot wait to do it again. Jack, I have always know is well-behaved and friendly, and with the other dogs on the beach, he was in his element. He did run down the beach with the others, but always stopped to check where we were and ran back again at various intervals.

He had not gone into the sea since he has been with us, but he ended up playing with other dogs who were running in the sea.

It was quite a surreal experience and I felt like a character in a book. It's pretty therapeutic.

I want to do it again.


  1. We live in an amazing place and these pictures are delightful!

    1. Thank you - and yes, we definitely do! :)


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